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Let Us Help You Legally Fight Traffic Tickets in


Pavan Bassi Legal has years of experience recognizing the classification of your charge and the best available defence that produces solid results. Convictions under the Highway Traffic Act can seriously affect your right to drive, your insurance rates and your ability to seek gainful employment in fields that require a clean driving record. We fight to save you from obtaining points that in turn save you from higher insurance rates.


All Highway Traffic Act tickets are prosecuted under the following procedural streams in accordance with the Provincial Offences Act:


Pavan Bassi Legal has a very high rate of success in fighting traffic tickets. Our agents are licensed by the Law Society of Ontario and carry with them professional indemnity insurance.

Part II

Exclusively parking infractions, no jail unless the defendant fails to pay fines. The defendant is served with a Parking Infraction Notice. Prosecution is commenced by issuance of Notice of Parking Infraction and filing of Certificate of Parking Infraction with the court.

Part I

Simple traffic violations (but not parking infractions). Minor offences, expedited procedure, no possible chance of jail. Set Fine offences, the defendant is served with an Offence Notice. Prosecution is commenced by filing of Certificate of Offence.

Part III

More serious offences. Possibility of jail. The defendant is served with a Summons. Prosecution is commenced by laying information before a Justice of the Peace. Examples of such charges are Careless Driving. H.T.A. section 130 or Stunting. H.T.A. section 172.

In turn, these offences are categorized under 3 types of Provincial Offences:

Mens Rea Offence

Strict Liability Offence

No Mens Rea component required. Crown proves identification and Actus Rea (the act committed) beyond a reasonable doubt. Defence must prove, on a balance of probabilities, that he/she took reasonable care not to commit the illegal act(also known as reasonable steps, due diligence) or that he/she made a reasonable mistake of fact which if true, would have made the prohibited act(s) lawful.

Absolute Liability Offence

Conviction upon proof of identification and Actus Rea of accused. Defences available are anything that negates identification or the act (Actus Rea). Involuntariness, automatism, duress, necessity, insanity, self-defence, act of God.

Latin for “Guilty Mind”. Prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the illegal act(s) (identification) and prosecution must also prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant had a guilty state of mind (intent) or was negligent (knew or should have known that the action would be likely to cause harm).

X-CROWN has a very high rate of success in fighting traffic tickets. Our agents are licensed by the Law Society of Ontario and carry with them professional indemnity insurance.

We Win Tickets

In each and every case Pavan Bassi Legal obtains disclosure (Crown’s case, officers notes) and explores all legal venues to have your ticket marked as withdrawn. We win tickets and keep your driving record clear with no demerit points. Our agents also have extensive experience at trial and are prepared to forward all matters unless satisfactory results of aggressive pretrial negotiations have not suppressed or mitigated the Crown’s position. 

Before you make any important decision, speak with a Pavan Bassi Legal representative for a free consultation or obtain more information about your offence in our blog.


Request a Free Quote

If you would like to know about our rates for defending you in court or getting a fine reduced, you just need to fill out a form.


120 Linkdale Road,

Brampton, Ontario L6V 3A2


Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

( Evening Appointments available )

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Sunday: Closed


Service Area



Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. The author(s) posting these article(s) are not responsible for any loss, damages, convictions or fines as a result of using these article(s) or any content in these article(s). Use at the reader's risk. Please consult a lawyer or a paralegal if in doubt. These articles are for the purposes of informing the average person.

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